Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A few of my characters.

So, I guess I should post something about a few of the characters of my novel.

Now, my novel's going to a be a run of the mill, slice of life about just a bunch of kids hanging out over the summer.

Here are a few of them:

Nash Stone-One of the new kids in town, Nash has been homeschooled his whole life, so the fact he's starting school soon frightens him. He's extremely introverted, so much that he doesn't talk to anyone besides his family.
His main interests are farming with his father, who he loves very much, and watching movies with his twin brother, Cole.
He is a farm boy, through in through. His wardrobe consists mainly of faded old denim overalls, and a John Deere T-shirt and hat which covers his thick, light brown hair. He is a bit thick, but tan and strong, although he won't admit it.
Nash hangs out at home with his family. He doesn't like going out at all.

Cole Stone-The exact opposite of his twin brother, Cole is bubbly, social, and imaginative, so he loves the fact that he's starting school for the first time.
His main interests are watching movies along with reading and drawing comics, because he has such a creative mind.
Cole looks just like his brother, except he is skinnier and lankier, wearing more relaxed looking clothes like plaid shirts and faded denim jeans.
Cole is quick to befriend new people, which is exactly what he does with Willow Thatcher. However, he swears his best friends are his Nash and his parents.

Willow Thatcher-Willow is probably the sweetest, kindes person anyone will know. Never the first to start a fight but usually the first to end them, she cares about everyone.
Her main interests are designing new clothes based on TV show characters she likes.
Her appearance is very preppy but somewhat childish. She keeps her long, black hair pulled behind her sholders to show her snowy white face. She wears pink blouses with shortish skirts.
Willow loves her father, who taught her to be nice to everyone. This clashes with her relationship with Parker Blake and Aurora Carter, who she has bonded over fashion.

Toby Hendrix-Cynical, depressing with a short temper, Toby isn't a favorite among his classmates, who find him annoying, although he doesn't mean to push them away.
His main interests are reading and writing, because he loves the places they take him.
He dresses sloppily, to show off his over stressed yet sophisticated personalty. His long, blonde hair is shaggy, hanging over his horn rimmed glasses. He wears dark jackets over argyle shirts.
He doesn't have the greatest relationship with his mother, who is over worked and forgetful, or his father, who is a jobless drunk. His mother recently got married to a man with two children Toby's age, Logan and Clarity Fisher.

Jodee Story-Jodee is an increbily shy girl who just wants to go along her life unnoticed by everyone. She hardly, if ever, speaks and if she does, expect it to be in a low, harsh whisper.
Her main interest are singing songs she wrote and watching old movies.
She dresses in an old fashioned way, usually in a granny sweater and ankle long skirts. Her red hair is cut shor just below hewr chin.
Jodee doesn't have any friends because she feels she can't trust anyone.

Tanis Smith-The only goth in her entire grade, Tanis does turn heads. With her brash personality, she is quick to tell everyone she doesn't want to be noticed, but deep down, she really does.
Her main interest are art and theatre, because she loves expressing herself in many ways.
Tanis' appearance is composed mostly of black and white. Her hair and make up are pitch black while her shirt is fark and light colors mixed in. She is very pale and lanky.
Tanis doesn't have many friends and is usually at odds with Parker Blake and Aurora Carter, the biggest divas at her school.

So thats the first six. Tell me what you think of them, any changes I could make, or possible couples you see.

Monday, May 10, 2010

What this blog is about.

Hello, fellow lifeless bloggers.

I am an aspiring writer. I hope to one day will as good, but probably not greater, than Stephen King. (I love you, Stevie!)

So, anyway, I have this idea for a novel that I really, really want to write, but unfortunately, I'm still in school. Sigh.

Fortunately, though, school will be over soon, and I can get to work on my novel! I will post chapter/sections on her every three or four days. Don't spare me with your criticism either! Honestly, show me what you got!

I will also write occasionally about books I read, blah blah blah.

So, that's the dealio. The low downl. The cold hard facts. Sorry, I should just stop stalling and post this baby, right?