Monday, May 10, 2010

What this blog is about.

Hello, fellow lifeless bloggers.

I am an aspiring writer. I hope to one day will as good, but probably not greater, than Stephen King. (I love you, Stevie!)

So, anyway, I have this idea for a novel that I really, really want to write, but unfortunately, I'm still in school. Sigh.

Fortunately, though, school will be over soon, and I can get to work on my novel! I will post chapter/sections on her every three or four days. Don't spare me with your criticism either! Honestly, show me what you got!

I will also write occasionally about books I read, blah blah blah.

So, that's the dealio. The low downl. The cold hard facts. Sorry, I should just stop stalling and post this baby, right?

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